Privacy Policy

1. General Provisions

LLC "KEH eCommerce" ("the company", or "we") processes and protects the personal data of both registered and unregistered users of – all who access our website and mobile apps, as well as those who contact the company through the phone numbers listed on the site ("users", or "you").

The relationships related to the processing of personal data by the company are governed by the laws of the Russian Federation.

By providing us with personal data, you agree to its processing in accordance with this policy.

2. Definitions

Personal data – any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable individual (subject of personal data).

Processing of personal data – actions or a set of actions related to the processing of personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification, updating, and modification, extraction, use, provision, access, blocking, deletion, and destruction – whether using automated data processing tools or not.

We may process your data in these ways for the purposes outlined in Section 4 of this Policy.

Personal data operator – a state or municipal body, legal entity, or individual that organizes and/or carries out the processing of personal data and determines the purposes, composition of personal data to be processed, and actions (operations) performed on personal data.

The company is the operator of the personal data that we may obtain in connection with your use of (including the website and mobile apps).

3. What Data We Process

You provide us with personal data when you:

  1. Register on;
  2. Use and the company's services (including without registration, for example, when making calls to phone numbers with number protection);
  3. Pay for the company's services;
  4. Subscribe to newsletters;
  5. Participate in events, surveys, and studies;
  6. Write or call us (e.g., when contacting support or through the form for copyright holder claims);
  7. Communicate with other users;

9. Data Storage and Processing Period

We record, systematize, accumulate, store, clarify (update, modify), and retrieve your personal data using databases located in Russia.

We store your data for the processing periods necessary to achieve the purposes outlined in Section 3 of this Policy.

We stop processing your personal data when:

  • The consent expires or is withdrawn (if there are no other legal grounds for processing). You provide consent for 1 year from the date of profile deletion. Another period may be specified in certain cases;
  • The processing purposes outlined in Section 3 of this Policy are achieved, or the need to achieve them is no longer present (if there are no other legal grounds for processing);

For example, to fulfill legal obligations, prevent and stop legal violations, or respond to requests, we must process data according to legal deadlines (procedural, tax, civil, accounting, etc.).

The purposes of providing access to, ensuring stable operation and security of services, improving user experience, service quality, and marketing activities will be achieved upon termination of obligations arising from contracts with you.

  • In case of unlawful processing if legal compliance is not possible;
  • Upon the liquidation of the company.

The law requires us to retain user information for a year after profile deletion.